Just keeping it real. If you can handle that!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Frevr3fan Mysteriously Transformed Into Joe Gibbs

Consequences have and always will play a big part in our lives, and it’s our own actions that usually get us caught up in them.

Because we already know that with every action, there will always be some kind reaction, whether good or bad. So what happens when one of NASCAR’s most controversial drivers today decides that he wants to spout off to the media again?

Is this really showing his fans that he appreciates them showing up to watch him race, or is this just plain old bad sportsmanship?

Well, whatever you want to call it, what Kyle Busch did on Thursday during a media conference was absolutely uncalled for.

It was Kyle being Kyle. If I could be Joe Gibbs just for one day, this would probably be my speech to Kyle.

Joe Gibbs, president of Joe Gibbs Racing, had a teleconference with some members of the media on Thursday night to discuss the displeasure that he had in Kyle’s attitude after his press conference earlier in the day.

Joe Gibbs started out the news conference by saying, “We here at Joe Gibbs Racing run a very respectable, as well as a very tight knit operation.

"Not only do we expect our crews and employees to be on their best behavior at all times, but we expect it more from our drivers, since they are the ones who are in the spotlight more then anyone in the organization.

"I, as well as my son, J.D., put a lot of time and effort into making sure that each team has the best equipment, as well as the full support from Toyota Racing Development, who has given us the opportunity to race in this well managed, and highly competitive sport.”

Joe went on to say, “No how, no way will any more attitudes be tolerated within this organization. We already had a team discussion about this before the season started, once Tony Stewart had finally left the team.

"One of the biggest things that were discussed was, the consequences if any member of this team got out of hand, and made the team look unprofessional.

"Because after all, we are all professionals, and that is why I hand picked all of the employees that make up the three teams.

"I told each member that we will uphold the highest of standards, even if it meant having to replace someone if they didn’t feel that they could control themselves, which included team members, and the drivers themselves.

"The last thing that I want to encounter is another situation like we had when Tony was around during his first few years with the team. It’s not fair to the younger members to have to put up with such behavior, because I feel all its doing is throwing our chemistry off.”

Team chemistry is what can make and break a team these days, especially when you look at the level that the top three or four teams are playing at.

We already know that Joe Gibbs is a very forgiving man. But, just like anything else, there comes a time when even they hit that breaking point, and they sit back and say enough is enough.

Maybe Joe is already at that point because in all reality, he is no longer the spring chicken that he was back in 1999 when Tony was just a rookie, and he also has two other drivers who are just as important to the team.

“It's not fair to Joey or Denny that we have to almost bring our season to a halt in order to deal with a driver who feels that he can do things his own way.

"We are a team, and we all need to act like a team if we expect to win championships. Look around at the teams that have multiple championships.

"They were able to dominate because they worked as team, and not as individuals.” So how will, or should I say does Joe Gibbs handle a situation like this?

“I, as the team owner, will not put up with it. There will be no second chances like I have given in the past. I can’t see allowing one driver to destroy what I have spent countless hours, and a lot of money trying to build.

"I want all my drivers to have some kind of integrity when they get behind the wheel of my race cars, and especially when they are in front of the media. That’s what this organization was built on, and it will continue to run in that same manor.

"If Kyle can’t control his anger, and learn to deal with his inner self on his own, then maybe he needs to seek some help. I have always been fair, and have treated all my drivers equally.

"But I also won’t allow anyone who works for me, the chance to bring any of these teams down because we are a professional organization, and I expect everyone involved to act in the same way, which includes Kyle."

Joe also added, “The behavior that was displayed on Thursday was way below par, and is not what I expect out of any of my drivers.

"I understand that he was still upset about the racing incident that happened on Saturday night, but he is still out there representing Joe Gibbs Racing, and his first commitment is with this organization.

"Kyle needs to sit back and reevaluate what he has done, but most importantly he needs to ask himself if he can handle these types, especially with the level of competition that is out there.

"I have never once told any of my drivers what they can, and what they cannot do, and I have never told them what to say to the media.

"But, instead, I have stood behind all of them in anything that they have ever asked of me, but maybe now its time that I step in as an owner, and protect my investment which is running the Nationwide, as well as the Sprint cup teams.”

Those were some very powerful words, coming from a very influential team owner. When you sit back and put yourselves in Joe’s shoes, can you really blame him for wanting what’s best for his franchise driver?

Then, when you begin to look around the whole organization, Joey does need someone to look up to, as well as someone that might be able to give him advice when he needs it, and Kyle is not that much older then him.

But looking at the flip side, how can Joey trust anything that Kyle might tell him, especially when, at times, he acts younger then him?

JGR is still going through their growing pains, especially now that the one driver who had the experience is no longer with them.

Its time that Kyle and Denny step it up and help their young teammate along because, after all, they were young once, too.

Kyle may be able to win 10 races this season. But, without the teamwork from everyone involved, he could very well fall short again and how many more seasons will he be able to take knowing that if he had just put his temper under control, the championships may not have slipped through his fingertips so easily?

1 comment:

  1. Very well said 3Fan. I don't think Gibbs wants to go through 10 more years of a tempermental driver like he went through with Stewart. But if he doesn't get a reign on Busch, he might be dealing with alot more crap than Stewart put the organization through.
